Gila Crossing Families,
Please see the attached schedule for spring athletics. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held this Thursday, March 23rd and Friday, March 24th. There will be early dismissal on both days for all students due to conferences. K-4 will be dismissed at 11:30 am and 5th-8th grade at 1:00 pm. Please contact your student's teacher regarding conference times.
8th Grade students will have their 8th grade portraits taken on Thursday, March 23rd. You can order online at and use the following:
Extra order forms are available in the front office.
Save the date! Lifetouch Class pictures and Spring Portraits will be next Wednesday, March 29th. You can order online at and use the following picture ID's.
Class Picture ID: EVTS9WMST
Spring Picture ID: EVTMTHG9
Extra Order forms are available in the front office. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
School will resume on Monday, March 20th. Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 23rd and Friday, March 24th. There will be early dismissal on both days for all students due to conferences. K-4 will be dismissed at 11:30 am and 5th-8th grade at 1:00 pm. Please contact your student's teacher regarding conference times.
Save the date! Lifetouch Class pictures and Spring Portraits will be on March 29th. You may order online at and use the following picture ID's. Thank you.
Class Pictures: EVTS9WMST
Spring Pictures: EVTMTHG9
Finally, 8th grade students will take their 8th grade portraits on Thursday, March 23rd. You may order online at use PICTURE ID: EVTRCZBQN Extra order forms are available in the front office. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
School will resume on Monday, March 20th. Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 23rd and Friday, March 24th. There will be early dismissal on both days for all students due to conferences. K-4 will be dismissed at 11:30 am and 5th-8th grade at 1:00 pm. Please contact your student's teacher regarding conference times.
Save the date! Lifetouch Class pictures and Spring Portraits will be on March 29th. You can order online at and use the following picture ID's.
Class Pictures: EVTS9WMST
Spring Pictures: EVTMTHG9
Finally, 8th Grade students will have their 8th grade portraits taken on March 23rd. You can order online at and use the following picture ID EVTRCZBQN Extra order forms are available in the front office. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Next week (March 13-17) is Spring Break for all students. School will resume on Monday, March 20th.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 23rd and Friday, March 24th. There will be early dismissal on both days for all students due to conferences. K-4 will be dismissed at 11:30 am and 5th-8th grade at 1:00 pm. Please contact your student's teacher regarding conference times. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
There will be Saturday school this Saturday, March 4. Wear green! Also, this will be the last Saturday school until April 1st. Please note the following Saturday school dates left in the 22-23 SY:
4/1, 4/15,4/22,4/29 &5/6
Finally, the contracted testing company will be on campus Monday, March 6. Under the new Executive Order issued by Governor Lewis, as long as the community remains in Phase 3 of Covid protocols surveillance testing is now optional for students. If you would still like to have your student(s) tested, they must have the following letter signed and returned to the school. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Please join us this evening from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm for Storytelling Night with Mr.Anthony Gray. We will also have our January Family Engagement Night tomorrow, Thursday, January 26th from 5:30 to 6:30pm in the Gymnasium. Finally, due to Family Engagement Night tomorrow there will be no afterschool tutoring on Thursday, January 26th. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Please join us on Wednesday, January 25 from 5pm-7pm for Storytelling Night with Mr.Anthony Gray. We will also have our January Family Engagement Night which will focus on Math on Thursday, January 26 from 5:30 to 6:30pm in the Gymnasium. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Due to a Gila River Community Government event taking place on our campus this Friday, January 20th, there is no school for all students.
However, there is still Saturday school this Saturday, January 21st as scheduled. If your student participated in the Saturday School program for the 1st Semester and you would like them to continue to participate, you will still need to fill out a new permission slip. Extra permission slips are available in the front office.
Finally, the contracted testing company will be on campus Monday, January 23rd. Under the new Executive Order issued by Governor Lewis, as long as the community remains in Phase 3 of Covid protocols surveillance testing is now optional for students. If you would still like to have your student(s) tested, they must have the following letter signed and returned to the school. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Due to a Gila River Community Government event taking place on campus this Friday, January 20th, we are cancelling school for that day. We don't anticipate a need to make up this day at a later date. We wanted to let you all know as soon as possible so you could make any needed family arrangements for your students. This should not impact Boys and Girls Club, which will be open that day from 8am to 6pm.
Thank you for your understanding.
Gila Crossing Families,
There is no school on Monday, January 16th due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. School will resume on Tuesday, January 17th.
Afterschool acitivities will begin on Tuesday, January 17th. If your student partipated in the Afterschool program for the 1st Semester and you would like them to continue to participate, you will still need to fill out a new permission slip. Extra permission slips are available in the front office.
Finally, Due to a Gila River Community Government event taking place on campus on Friday, January 20th, we are cancelling school for that day. We don't anticipate a need to make up this day at a later date. We wanted to let you all know as soon as possible so you could make any needed family arrangements for your students. This should not impact Boys and Girls Club, which will be open that day from 8am to 6pm.
Thank you for your understanding.
Gila Crossing Families,
Please see the link for the updated sports schedule. The link is updated frequently if there are any changes. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Please see the attached flyer. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Please see the attached letter regarding our current lockdown guidelines. A copy of the letter will be sent home with students. Please fill out the form and return it to the school as soon as possible. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
Please see the attached flyer from Gila River Healthcare. They will be doing onsite dental screenings today, tomorrow and Thursday. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
We will begin after school activities next Tuesday, January 17th. The first Saturday School will be on January 21st. Permission slips have been sent out to all students today. If your student partipated in the Afterschool program for the 1st Semester and you would like them to continue to participate, you will still need to fill out a new permission slip. Extra permission slips are available in the front office. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
We are excited to announce that the Boys and Girls club will begin picking up students with their club bus afterschool from campus begining Monday, January 9th. If your student is a club member and you would like them to be picked up by the Boys and Girls club bus afterschool, please make sure this permission slip is signed and returned to the front office. Only students with the permission slip on file will be allowed to be transported. You may also return it directly to the Boys and Girls club. Permission slips are avaiible both in the GCCS front office and at the Boys and Girls club. If you have any questions, you may call the front office or the Boys and Girls club at 520-550-1113. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
We hope you are enjoying your Winter Break. All students return on Tuesday, January 3rd. Happy New Year to our GCCS families! If you have any questions, please call the front office. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
There is no school this Friday, December 9th in observance of Water Rights. School will resume on Monday, December 12th.
Next week is Spirit Week! Monday is "Merry Monday" wear your green and red. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Our Christmas Community Meal will be next Thursday, Dececmber 15th both in person and also drive thru meals will be available for pick up. We are asking for your help in estimating the meals we will need to prepare for our celebration. You can either fill out the form that will be coming home with students, or you can fill out our online form here:
Service will be from 10:20am until 12:30pm. Please come between these times, so we can start to clean up after 12:30 pm.
Next Thursday December 15th and next Friday December 16th are both half day release for all students (K-4 is released at 11:30 am and 5-8 is released at 1:00 pm).
Finally, there will be no afterschool or Saturday School next week. Winter break will be from December 19th-January 2nd. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to our GCCS families! If you have any questions, please contact the front office. Thank you.
Gila Crossing Families,
We will have Saturday school tomorrow (11/19). Also, the contracted testing company will be on campus Monday, 11/21. Under the new Executive Order issued by Governor Lewis, as long as the community remains in Phase 3 of Covid protocols surveillance testing is now optional for students. If you would still like to have your student(s) tested, they must have the following letter signed and returned to the school.
Next week, Monday 11/21 will be a full day for students but Tuesday 11/22 is a half day for all students (K-4 is released at 11:30 am and 5-8 is released at 1:00 pm).
Our Thanksgiving Community Meal will be on Tuesday, 11/22 both in person and also drive thru meals will be available for pick up. We are asking for your help in estimating the meals we will need to prepare for next Tuesday's Thanksgiving celebration.You can either fill out the form that will be coming home with students, or you can fill out our online form here:
Service will be from 10:20am until 12:30pm. Please come between these times, so we can start to clean up after 12:30, which then allows our staff to start their own Thanksgiving plans for the holiday.
Finally, there will be no afterschool or Saturday School next week (11/21-11/22) or no school Wednesday(11/23)-Friday(11/25) due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. School will resume on Monday, 11/28. If you have any questions, please contact the front office.
Thank you.