Gila Crossing Families, Please see the flyer below, which lists various Vaccine Events throughout the community. GRHC will be at District 6 Service Center today and tomorrow from 9 am to 3 pm. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, On Tuesday, November 23rd breakfast will be delivered as normal in the morning. There will be a second meal run beginning at 12:30 pm for the Thanksgiving meal. Reminder: Tuesday, November 23rd is half day release for students. There is no school on Wednesday, November 24th through Friday, November 26th. School will resume on Monday, November 29th. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Thanksgiving Meal Delivery
Gila Crossing Families, Please see the flyer below, which lists various Vaccine Events throughout the community. This now includes children 5 and over for the Pfizer vaccine. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, There has been some questions concerning the proposed changes to the Gila Crossing Immunization Policy. First and foremost, because of the nature of the policy, the Board has been trying to get input from the school community to help with making this decision. Please visit our website or Facebook page to view PROPOSED IMMUNIZATION POLICY CHANGES Q & A. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Below, you will find the proposed changes to the current Gila Crossing Immunization Policy (IN YELLOW) that will be discussed by the Board of Trustees at their meeting December 7 @ 4:30pm. Please help us gather important opinions and information on the proposed vaccine policy changes by completing this survey: Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, There will be a Special Board Meeting on Tuesday, November 16 at 5 pm. The Board will be taking public comment from individuals wishing to be heard on the topic of in-person school, please call to be placed on the speaking list. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Special Board meeting
Good Evening Gila Crossing Families, On Tuesday, November 23rd breakfast will be delivered as normal in the morning. There will be a second meal run beginning at 12:30 pm for the Thanksgiving meal. Thank you. Reminder: Tuesday, November 23rd is half day release for students. There is no school on Wednesday, November 24th through Friday, November 26th. School will resume on Monday, November 29th.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Thanksgiving Meal
Gila Crossing Families, There will be a Special Board Meeting on Tuesday, November 16 at 5 pm with Governor Lewis and District Council Members. The Board will be taking public comment from individuals wishing to be heard on the topic of in-person school, please call 520-550-4834 for more information or see the attached flyer.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Special Board meeting
Gila Crossing Families, There is no school tomorrow, Thursday, November 11, 2021 in observance of Veterans Day. School will resume on Friday, November 12, 2021. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Veterans Day
Gila Crossing Families, Please see the following information. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Gila Crossing Community School Board of Trustees Elections will be on November 2, 2021. Polls will be open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
School Board Elections
Gila Crossing Families, Here is the Link for tonight's Family Engagement Night from 5 pm to 6 pm.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Family Engagement Night
Gila Crossing Families, It is almost Red Ribbon Week. Please see the flyer with details of each themed day! Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Red Ribbon Week
Gila Crossing Families, This is a reminder Thursday, October 14th will be a half day for all students due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be held virtually, please contact your student's teacher or the front office for more information. You may also email, Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Gila Crossing Families, Please see the attachment. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Are you caring for an infant? Are you expecting a new baby? Do you know someone who is? Please join us for a virtual presentation on the importance of Tummy Time. All are welcome! Tell your friends and families!
over 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Family Circle
Gila Crossing Families, To give parents and guardians an additional way to notify the front office about a student absence, we have created an online form. You can still call, but if you can't call or if you get a busy signal, you can also use this form. This form can also be located on our website at If you prefer to send an email you can send it to If you use this form, you do NOT have to then also call. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Student Absence Reporting
Gila Crossing Families, Here is some helpful information for logging onto to your CHROMEBOOK- 1. Open Chromebook and it automatically turns on 2. If the login screen comes on, simply add your user name and password (given on the post it at pick up). 3. If the screen tells you that the computer is locked then : a. Go to bottom of screen on right b. Click on the wifi icon c. Find your home wifi connection and choose d. Wait 1 minute for computer to connect and begin update e. Screen will flash when finished and then sign on screen will appear f. When login screen pops up, simply sign in using user name and password g. CLEVER screen will then appear Follow instructions below for logging into Clever. Logging into Clever: 1. Once you login to your Chromebook, you should see the Clever login as your homepage. If not, type in the following link to access Clever. 2. Next, click on “Log in with Google”. 3. Then you will need to click on your Google account which is your school email address. 4. You should see the Clever Portal page. Your Clever Portal page may look different depending on your teacher. 5.To access your Google Classroom, you will click on the Google Classroom App. 6.A pop up message will appear. Your username and password for Google Classroom should already be filled in. Click on the “Save” button. You will then be directed to Google Classroom.
over 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Chromebook pick up will continue tomorrow Tuesday, August 17th in the Gymnasium from 9 am to 2 pm. Classes will resume virtually this Wednesday, August 18th. Meals will continue to delivered via the buses, in the mornings by 7:30am. We will also allow for on-site pick-up. If you have any questions, you may call the front office. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, We will begin deployment of Chromebooks to each student on Monday, August 16th and Tuesday, August 17th. Chromebook pick up will be in the Gymnasium. Please visit our website or Facebook page for the scheduled times. Please be advised there will be no school on these days and classes will resume virtually on Wednesday, August 18th, through Google classroom, with their current teacher. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Parent letter
Parent letter