Gila Crossing Families, Gila River Healthcare will be conducting a vaccination clinic on campus this Thursday, July 7th from 10am to 2pm. Please remember that current policy states that students attending in-person must be fully vaccinated to be eligible to return. The latest date of the 2nd vaccine dose to return on the first day of school, August 3rd, is July 19. BUT, we will continue to accept in-person students after August 3rd as they meet vaccination and testing requirements. So please take advantage of this event on campus on Thursday, July 7.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
GRHC 7.7.22
Gila Crossing Families, The Bus Meal Runs are now collecting Chromebooks and any other technology. Please get those out to the buses this week. You can also return them to the front office. If these are not turned in, they may be billed for. IF YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ED STUDENT WORKING REMOTELY WITH YOUR TEACHERS, THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU. Thank you for getting these items back to us.
over 2 years ago, David Marks
Gila Crossing Familes, For more information visit the website https://www.uniteforliteracy.c... or email and Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Familes, Please see the attached flyer. If you have any questions, please contact Mr.Twitchell. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Our Summer School program for Kindergarten through 7th Grade will focus on both Academics and Enrichment. The program will run from 8:00 am-2:30 pm, Monday through Thursday, June 6th through June 30th. Should you NOT want your child to stay for the afternoon ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES, then you will have to arrange for the transportation for your child to be picked up in the front office by 11:30 am each day. Registration forms are available in the front office. NOTE: If your child is attending Summer School, he/she must show proof of a NEGATIVE Covid test at least FIVE days prior to June 6th.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Summer School
Gila Crossing Families, Please save the date, May 25th for 8th grade Promotion. If you have any questions, please contact the school. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Kinder Graduation will be similar to last year, you will be asked to stay in your car with your student. We will run out their gifts/certificates to you. There will be someone there to point in the direction of where to park (we will line up cars by classes). We invite you to decorate your cars! We look forward to celebrating with you! Sincerely, The Kindergaten Team-Ms.Commissariat, Ms.Glover and Ms.Pattison
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Unfortunately, Chromebooks are experiencing technical difficuluties until further notice. Please note, your student will not be marked absent. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Please join us virtually for Family Engagement Night, May 11th from 5:00 – 6:00pm. Thank you. Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 307-314-3847‬ PIN: ‪830 240 302‬#
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Family Engagement Night
Dear Gila Crossing Families, Please send in a recent picture and a baby picture of your 8th grade promotion student by May 19th. The pictures will be used for a slideshow posted on our website and social media accounts. You may send a printed copy with the bus drivers on the meal runs, drop off to the front office or email them to If you have any questions, please call the front office. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, This Friday, May 6, will be the next round of COVID-19 surveillance testing for students and staff here on campus. Please know that if your in-person student does not test this Friday, they will need to have a lab-analyzed negative COVID test result no more than 5 days in advance of returning to in-person learning on Monday, May 9. Therefore, to return to school on Monday, the test would need to be conducted no earlier than Wednesday, May 4 of this week. Questions? Please call 520-550-4834.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Please be advised that this Friday, April 22, we will be conducting the next round of surveillance testing on students and staff. Please remember that for your student(s) to continue in-person on Monday, April 25, they have to have a negative PCR test result, either through the testing Friday during the school day, or by obtaining a test on your own and bringing those results to the front office. Also, please remember that the test needs to be NOT MORE than 5 days prior to the 25th, so for this round, it must be done ON or AFTER April 20th. Thank you for your support as we seek to stop the spread of COVID-19.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, This is a reminder there is no school tomorrow, Friday, April 15th in observance of Good Friday. School will resume on Monday, April 18th. Have a happy and safe Easter holiday! Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Please join us virtually for Family Engagement Night today, April 14 th from 5:00 – 6:00pm. Thank you. Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 307-314-3847‬ PIN: ‪830 240 302‬#
almost 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Please see the date change for April's Family Engagement Night. Thursday, April 14 · 5:00 – 6:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 307-314-3847‬ PIN: ‪830 240 302‬#
almost 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, In the Governor's Executive Order 13, Section 16, part (c), it states: (c) the school provides surveillance testing in coordination with and upon recommendations from the Tribal Health Department and COVID-l9 Task Force Gila Crossing will have surveillance testing tomorrow, Friday, April 1st. Students must have a negative test result in order to return to school on Monday, April 4th.The testing will take place ON CAMPUS during the school day(8 AM TO 11 AM). If your in-person student misses this surveillance testing on Friday, April 1st, you will need to secure a lab-analyzed test on your own and bring in negative results before the student is allowed to resume in-person learning. Lastly, students who started the week of March 28th will still need to test this Friday, April 1st. Thank you for working with us to meet this requirement of Executive Order 13.
almost 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, In the Governor's Executive Order 13, Section 16, part (c), it states: (c) the school provides surveillance testing in coordination with and upon recommendations from the Tribal Health Department and COVID-l9 Task Force Gila Crossing will have surveillance testing this Friday, April 1st. Students must have a negative test result in order to return to school on Monday, April 4th.The testing will take place ON CAMPUS during the school day. Please make sure you have signed the Covid testing consent form for your student. This consent is critical so that they can test students for Covid19 and share the results with both Gila River Health and GCCS so your student can continue in-person learning. If your in-person student misses this surveillance testing on Friday, April 1st, you will need to secure a lab-analyzed test on your own and bring in negative results before the student is allowed to resume in-person learning. Lastly, students who started the week of March 28th will still need to test this Friday, April 1st. Thank you for working with us to meet this requirement of Executive Order 13.
almost 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Gila Crossing Families, Please see the attached flyer for upcoming Family Engagement Nights. Thank you. Wednesday, March 16th Wednesday, April 20th Wednesday, May 11th TIME: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM Virtual Meeting Link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 574-208-6795 PIN: ‪786 383 156#
almost 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Family Engagement Night
Gila Crossing Families, This Thursday, March 17th is a half day for all students due to 3rd Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be done virtual. Please contact your child's teacher for more information. Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Gila Crossing Families, In the Governor's Executive Order 13, Section 16, part (c), it states: (c) the school provides surveillance testing in coordination with and upon recommendations from the Tribal Health Department and COVID-l9 Task Force Gila Crossing will begin this surveillance testing on Friday, March 18. Students must have a negative test result in order to return to school on Monday, March 21. The testing will take place ON CAMPUS during the school day. On Monday, March 14, we will be sending home the COVID-19 Testing Consent Form. This consent is similar to the same as the one you signed for Gila River Health. This consent is critical so that they can test students for Covid19 and share the results with both Gila River Health and us here at GCCS so your student can continue in-person learning. If your in-person student misses this surveillance testing on the 18th, you will need to secure a lab-analyzed test on your own and bring in negative results before the student is allowed to resume in-person learning. Lastly, students who test in order to start the week of March 14th after Spring Break will still need to test on the 18th. Thank you for working with us to meet this requirement of Executive Order 13.
almost 3 years ago, Brittany Lujan