
Gila Crossing Families, 

We will begin deployment of Chromebooks to each student on Monday, August 16th and Tuesday, August 17th, on the following schedule:

  •  Kinder& 1st grade - Monday (Aug.16th) 9am to 11:00am
  • 2nd& 3rd grade - Monday (Aug.16th) 12:00pm to 2:00pm
  •  4th&5th grade - Tuesday (Aug.17th) 9:00am to 11:00am
  • 6th, 7th& 8th grade - Tuesday (Aug.17th) 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Chromebook pick up will be in the Gymnasium. Please be advised there will be no school on these days and classes will resume virtually on Wednesday, August 18th, through Google classroom, with their current teacher. Families with multiple grade-level students can come in all at once, either Monday or Tuesday. Please come at your appointed time so we may adhere to the Governor’s Executive Order. If you can’t come in for pick-up, please call the front office and we can arrange for delivery at home.