Fall Opening
Save the date! - August 3, 2020 - Gila Crossing Community School’s Plan to Reopen!
Gila Crossing Community School is striving to operate in a way that maintains the safety of students and staff, while continuing to provide the essential services related to educating our Community’s youth. Based on the best information we have to date, the decision has been made to open school in a virtual setting, beginning August 3rd, 2020. We will continue to monitor the current pandemic and will inform you when we will begin “in person” classes.
Health and Safety
To protect the health and safety of students and staff and support efforts to control the spread of COVID19, Gila Crossing Community School will begin school in a “virtual” setting, similar to the how we completed the 4th quarter. All students will be assigned to a class, as is customary, and the assigned teacher will provide instruction via an on-line portal.
·       Students are expected to attend class on a daily basis and attendance will be taken.
·       An emphasis will be placed on regular attendance.
·       Delivery of instruction will become more personalized.
·       Project Based Learning approach, which was implemented during the spring, will continue to be refined and implemented.
·       Students will be assessed to determine where students are with respect to their retention of knowledge.
·       An essential curriculum, within individual subject areas will be provided, based on the needs of students.
·       There will be a focus on reading and math skills, especially for k-2 students.
·       We will continue to focus on the tiered intervention model from which our students have experienced success.
Family Engagement
  • We will work together to build and strengthen the teacher/family relationships through more frequent communications between the teachers and parents/guardians. A strong partnership with the teacher and parent/guardian will help to support the student to achieve success.
We look forward to beginning school on August 3rd, 2020. We realize how difficult these trying and unprecedented times have been.  We know the way “we do school”, will look different as we start, but we are hopeful that we can return to normal very soon. You will receive notification in the coming days with instructions for registering new students and completing re-registration for returning students.  Again, please know, the health and safety of the Community, students and staff are always our top priority. See you soon!